Archive of past Queensland Entomologists
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George Hudleston Hurlstone HARDY (1882-1966)
Born London; trained as an engineer; arrived W.A. 1911. Acting Curator and Secretary to Trustees, Tasmanian Museum, Hobart 1913-17. Became a Walter and Eliza Hall fellow in Economic Biology, University of Queensland 1922-32. Worked on systematics and biology of higher Diptera, especially Asilidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and published 144 papers on Australian Diptera. Was the prime mover in foundation of Entomological Society of Queensland in 1923 and was first Treasurer 1923-32. Saw need for Australia-wide entomological society and enshrined this as an objective of ESQ. Became foundation member of Australian Entomological Society at its formation in 1964. Retired to Katoomba NSW and continued to publish to the year of his death at age 83.
Obituary: Mackerras, I.M. (1967) J. Ent. Soc. Aust. (NSW)3: 54-57.