insect images
The Society's emblem, chosen in 1973, on the 50th anniversary of the Society, is the King Stag Beetle, Phalacrognathus muelleri (Macleay), Family Lucanidae (Coleoptera). Its magnificent purple and green colouration makes it one of the most attractive beetle species in Australia. It is restricted to the rainforests of northern Queensland.


Queensland has always had more entomologists than any other State. This is because its large size, rich vegetation and warm climate have given it not only the most diverse native insect fauna but also the worst rural and household pest problems, the greatest insect vector threats to human health, and the most challenging weed biocontrol problems of any Australian state. Thus there has always been much for entomologists to do in Queensland.
To preserve information on this rich heritage of entomology, the ESQ has commenced this website archive of brief biographies of deceased entomologists who have been active in any aspect of entomology in Queensland. Coordinators are Geoff Monteith who will compile, edit and commission biographies and Kathy Ebert who will control the website structure and enter information.
The nucleus for the project are 46 captioned portraits of early Queensland entomologists collected by the late Dr Pat Marks in the old UQ Entomology Department. These have now been scanned, their captions are being expanded and they are progressively being loaded into the website. Please peruse them at The Archive link below. We welcome corrections.

This is a long term project and we need your help! Members are invited to assist by compiling biographies on past entomologists about whom they may have special knowledge. To prepare an entry go to the Guidelines for preparing Archive entries for criteria for inclusion in the Archive and guidelines on preparing an entry. This link also has a list of people for whom entries are already being prepared, but not yet entered on the website.

The Archive
Guidelines for preparing Archive entries

historical entomologist collage